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Nika's Culinaria - Eat With Your Eyes: Carmel Chocolate French Toast

Nika's Culinaria - Eat With Your Eyes

Culinary Photography

Carmel Chocolate French Toast

So the egg thing for breakfast morphed into this high octane french toast. Enjoy!

Carmel Chocolate French Toast - 4

Warning: This is so completely decadent that adults may need their kids to eat their leftovers. Mine did!

Carmel Chocolate French Toast


4 eggs
1/8th teaspoon cream of tartar
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 tsp vanilla extracts
1 dash cinnamon
8-10 slices bread (can remove crusts)
1 tablespoon milk (can be cream, 1/2 and 1/2, etc)
1/8th teaspoon salt
Melting chocolate
Powdered sugar

Put can of sweetened condensed milk minus 3 tablespoons (for yolk mixture) in a sauce pan and gently heat on low heat for duration of recipe preparation. Whisk occasionally to even out caramelizing milk.


Separate yolks from eggs, put whites into cold metal bowl in the refrigerator.
Add 3 tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk, 1 tablespoon milk, salt, cinammon, and vanilla to the yolks, beat until incorporated.

Add cream of tartar to cooled egg whites and whip to soft peaks.

Gently fold the yolk mixture into the egg whites, 1/3 of the yolk mixture at a time.

Place bread in the batter and soak 5 minutes or more to allow the batter to penetrate the bread. If they have soaked a lot, take care when removing them from the soak pan (might rip).


Fry off in a medium pan with melted butter. If carmel sauce is not yet ready, keep in 200 F oven inside a foil pocket.


Once the carmel sauce has darkened to your desired color, serve over the French toasts, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Carmel Chocolate French Toast

Carmel Chocolate French Toast -2

You can also add some melted chocolate.

This is my original recipe; please ask for permission before using this recipe and these photos in print. Please make them to eat though! Tell me how it goes.

Copyright 2006 email me

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