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Nika's Culinaria - Eat With Your Eyes: Hail-recovery and happy sunshine

Nika's Culinaria - Eat With Your Eyes

Culinary Photography

Hail-recovery and happy sunshine

We are still waterlogged here in MA. I have not watered any plant in weeks it seems and the planters are on the edge of liquefaction. Any more and the mold will be our major crop.

As you all know from my last garden post, we got a hail storm that beat up our plants. Well, as you can guess, they have rebounded :-).

The deck is looking green

Deck Garden (7-1-06) - 1 -

The tomatoes are happy and need to be tied up to the trellis.

Deck Garden (7-1-06) - 3 - recovered tomato

The bell pepper is blossoming. The jalapenos are finally sprouting (not sure what will happen with those guys – not shown)

Deck Garden (7-1-06) - 6 - bell pepper

Dill is growing gloriously, tastes awesome. I am going to make this dill cucumber yoghurt summer soup today with this fresh dill today.

Deck Garden (7-1-06) - 4 - dill

Radishes are plumping.

Deck Garden (7-1-06) - 5 - radishes

Pole beans are finding their way in life, climbing into the trellis.

Deck Garden (7-1-06) - 2 - pole beans

Corn plants are ready for transplant (and being eaten by the deer and bunnies but what can you do besides try, as Princess Atta says in Bug’s Life (toddler wont watch anything else on TV)

Deck Garden (7-1-06) - 7 - lettuces and starter corns

Dew on corn plant, early morning sunshine. (Notice, the sun is SHINING, it’s a stranger here)

Deck Garden (7-1-06) -8 - Corn dew in morning light

Buttercrunch lettuce babies, growing in the morning sun and getting closer to their date with destiny, in our tummies.

Deck Garden (7-1-06) - 9 - buttercruch lettuce babies

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